Sunday 5 July 2009

New toy!

It's not about the camera or the lens, we all know that. It's about the moment captured and the memory saved. Sometimes it's even about the art (although rarely in my case). Nonetheless it is a happy day when one finds the wherewithal to add some shiny photographic kit to the small but growing pile of slightly less shiny kit. Despite my intellectual side pouring scorn on the idea, the childish insecure sad side of me thinks 'This [insert camera/lens/widget name here] is what I needed! Now, at last, I can fulfil my artistic potential! Etc etc'. So it was with some excitement that I stepped out on Friday with my new Nikon D90 complete with a new Sigma 10-20mm lens. Both will take some mastering I think - I ended up feeling much more comfortable using the (also new) Nikon 35mm lens instead, but I saw glimpses of what's possible with the Sigma and I'm very excited about spending some time trying to pursue it.

1 comment:

nigeyb said...

What a superb shot. That new camera/lens combo is going to be the making of you. I'm looking forward to great things.