Wednesday 10 March 2010

Family portrait

Here we all are, strolling towards the King Alfred Leisure Centre for some Sunday morning family leisure - specifically a swim, followed by a walk home again, then a bargain lunch of some description.

I know this is going off the point a bit in relation to a shadow family portrait, but I remember when we used to go for two or three Sunday pub lunches a month and not worry too much about the finances. We were able to buy little treats here and there - we even went for the occasional foreign holiday!

But not any more, oh no. The freelance lifestyle has put paid to that. It seems we can't be happy and comfortably off. This is almost certainly not the case at all, of course, but it certainly feels like it at the moment. So maybe the photo isn't off the point at all - maybe we're a shadow of our former selves. Or something.

Anyway, we had a splendid time in the swimming pool and whatever the lunch was it was jolly tasty, so all's well really.

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