Tuesday 18 May 2010

Neglect is a terrible thing

Perhaps that's not the wisest title to use for a post about a picture of ones daughter, but it's not her who's being neglected, it's this blog. It's suffering for a variety of dreary reasons that don't deserve the time of day but rest assured, army of loyal readers, it won't always be this way.
This shot was taken at my nephew Tom's 18th birthday celebration (strictly speaking, I think it was about the 18th celebration he'd taken part in but let's cut the lad some slack for crying out loud). In every single shot of Tom that I've taken he's pulling this ridiculous cheesy grin face - the sort of face you wouldn't want to inflict on anyone without fair warning, so I'm not going to give it any webspace this time. Let's focus instead on the delightful Marni, resplendent in Oliver! outfit, as she eats something or other in front of a mirror.

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