Tuesday 4 August 2009

On my first day of freedom

I am now officially unemployed, which feels very odd. On my first day of freedom I drove the family to Hawkhurst, where we enjoyed a very nice lunch with my parents before heading to Bodiam Castle on a whim. I'd never heard of it before but it's a lovely place -- made all the lovelier by the glorious weather and the absence of screaming hordes. I don't know if we were just lucky or if it's always so peaceful there. If it is I think I've found a new favourite place for picnics, ambling around with old people, and general mooching. This one's been Photoshopped a little -- there were a couple of other figures visible, but I thought it would work much better without them.


nigeyb said...

Bodiam's blimmin lovely. You are but a short step away from following us and procuring annual memberships for English Heritage and the National Trust. Or maybe you already have them?

Martin said...

Funnily enough we bought our National Trust family membership yesterday. But English Heritage? No way! Not while there's a hip bone in my body.

nigeyb said...

Ah, the old Heritage v Trust antipathy. Let it go man.

Funnily enough my in-laws dislike both bodies. Never quite got to the bottom of it however it's borne out of deeply held differences on the nature of conservation and the populist approach of the Trust. Imagine that? Perhaps you too draw from the same well of passion?