Monday 4 May 2009

Geriatric shape-cutter

This guy's a proper character. He was dancing to the crap-pop that was blaring out of the speakers at the end of the Children's Parade - apparently he does the same every year. He clearly takes his dancing pretty seriously - I was watching him for a good five minutes and he didn't smile or acknowledge my presence once, but then he didn't seem to mind having his photograph taken either, so I'm not complaining. His dancing style is best described as geriatric shape-cutting I suppose. It consists mainly of chopping the air and shuffling around a half beat or so behind the music. I suspect he used to be more mobile than he is these days but he's certainly game, I'll give him that - and you've got to love that outfit haven't you?

1 comment:

nigeyb said...

I've seen this fella a few times - always wears the same outfit and invariably dancing.