Thursday 11 June 2009

Birthday girl

The blog pic choice was a no brainer today: it's Marni's sixth birthday! So of course we had waffles and strawberries for breakfast, and to be frank I wouldn't recommend them. It was a very sickly and insubstantial meal and I felt both hungry and bloated about ten minutes after I'd finished. Nothing wrong with the strawberries, obviously, and I'm sure there'd be nothing wrong with top notch waffles either, but these were Bird's Eye. Nuff said there I think.

There are plenty more photos of the happy event on my Flickr pages in case you're interested. But in a nutshell, it was a lovely day, Marni was happy as Larry with her gifts, and one of them - a hamster who was originally going to be called Hovis but who is unfortunately now more likely to end up being called Georgina or Gizmo - is curled up in a rather cute little ball downstairs as I type. Happy days.

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