Saturday 6 June 2009


Well, you know. If you live in Brighton you've got to take the odd shot of seagulls. I think everyone starts off hating them, then moves towards accepting them, then kind of admires them, before finally loving the ornery fekkers. If you need any help moving on from the hate phase, just pop down to the seafront on a stormy day. As you snuggle into your waterproofs and bow into the wind, seeking out places to shelter from the weather, you may just spot the gulls dipping and diving and skimming the thrashing water with their wingtips. And if you didn't know better you'd swear they were laughing with the sheer visceral joy of it all. There's no way they're just surviving out there - they're playing, damn it. That's when the respect starts to kick in. We're visitors here; they own the gaff. All power to them.

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