Monday 22 June 2009

Superman saves the day

Superman fearlessly rushed to the assistance of a lady in distress while the lady's over-heated looking dog watched proceedings with a somewhat supercilious air from the comfort of her bike rack. The lady in question had been multi-tasking furiously: talking into her phone, balancing the top-heavy bike and negotiating her way across a busy bike lane (it was the London to Brighton ride yesterday - there were more cyclists around than you could shake a stick at). It went wrong when the back of the bike started going over. Reluctant to allow her idle dog to be injured in the fall, the noble lady allowed her phone to drop instead as she made a grab for the handlebars. Alas, the phone was trashed, but Superman helped her pick up the pieces and gave her a little pep talk on health and safety issues before flying off to the next crisis.

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