Wednesday 22 April 2009

Pepper pan

Bit of a schoolboy error today - having decided that I had no time (yet again!) to go out seeking interesting photos, I decided I'd take this shot of peppers frying. I liked the red on silver on black feel of it and figured I might get an interesting enough shot if I stood on a chair and used the flash well. What I didn't do was check the basic settings of the camera, so this one was taken at ISO1600, which is why it doesn't look as crisp and lovely as it might despite Lightroom's best efforts. I need to stick a big yellow post-it on my camera reminding me to check such things every time I use the camera. It's basic stuff!

And how would I be feeling now if this had been
the shot - you know, the one we all dream of taking that confirms our wildest dreams and casts to one side forever all those niggling doubts about exactly what it is that we're capable of. How would it feel to be contemplating that very shot now, full to the brim with pride and a deep sense of creative fulfilment but unable to brush aside that niggling thought about how much more perfect it would have been if only I'd checked the ISO or the aperture or the shutter speed or the flash compensation?

Since you ask, supper was excellent, even if I say so myself: a comfort food blowout of heroic proportions from which I've still not quite recovered.

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