Monday 6 April 2009

Spring springing

It took me about 20 minutes to get this shot - I mean from leaving my front door to capturing this specific image - but it took me about three times that to get it catalogued and converted and tweaked and uploaded here because I started using Lightroom today, a powerful image management program that makes life much easier...eventually, allegedly. For now I'm on the learning curve and it's a reasonably steep one.

But enough of such nerdy nonsense - the picture's quite nice isn't it? One of the interesting comments made by our tutor on the course I've just finished was that it's always possible to find a good photograph, wherever you are. It's just a case of seeing it. I'm not saying this one's particularly fabulous but I have walked past a lot of blossoming trees before when out looking for pictures. Is there anything more filled with hope and promise and optimism than a tree in blossom?

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